On behalf of the Organizing Committee, We are pleased to invite you to the North Caucasus Organic Chemistry Symposium that will be held on April 17-23, 2022 in Stavropol, Russia. It will be the 6th Symposium in the series to take place in the North Caucasus region, that hosts prominent chemists from around the world showcasing recent advances in the area of organic synthesis and synthetic methodology. Materials of the previous meetings, including programs, photos, and participants’ feedback (from Kislovodsk 2009, Zheleznovodsk 2011, Pyatigorsk 2013, Dombay 2016, and Vladikavkaz 2018) can be found at link.
Stavropol is one of the fastest growing and most dynamic cities in the North Caucasus region of Russia, with multiple tourist attractions within the city and in the surrounding area. Founded in the XVIII century as a result of the Russo-Turkish war, it’s become a fortress guarded by the Cossacks troops at the request of Empress Catherine the Great. Today Stavropol is a large administrative center in the Russia’s south, famous for its hot spring and mineral water resorts, alpine sport activities, exquisite Caucasian cuisine, and a rich cultural life. It is also a home to the North Caucasus Federal University, a flagship university and the host of this Symposium.
The Programs of all events will include the discussion of comprehensive problems in all fields of modern organic chemistry.
The official conference language is English/Russia.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Sincerely, the Organizing Committee