Welcome to  Dombay Organic Conference Cluster DOCC-2016!

This International Forum will combine several interrelated scientific events:

International Conference “Modern Trends in Organic Chemistry”,
9th Eurasian Meeting on Heterocyclic Chemistry,
Conference for young organic chemists.

The Conference Cluster will take place in a beautiful part of Southern Russia – the world famous sky resort Dombay. Dombay-Ulgen, the highest peak of the Dombay area, is 4,046 meters (13,274 ft). Dombay is surrounded with snow-capped mountains. In summer this place is impressing because of its mountain landscape with glaciers, streams, waterfalls, mountain lakes and forests.

The Programs of all events will include the discussion of comprehensive problems in all fields of modern organic chemistry.


The official conference language is English. 

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Sincerely, the Organizing Committee


prof. Valentine G Nenajdenko

Moscow State University

Participants feedback


"Сердечно благодарны за праздник, который вы нам подарили! Желаем крепкого здоровья, счастья и удачи во всех делах ваших. С самыми тёплыми пожеланиями"

Михаил Кузнецов, Санкт-Петербург, 


«DOCC-2016 was a world-class conference set in a unique, inspiring setting. The list of speakers included the top names in Organic Chemistry from all over the world (from ~30 countries!). Not surprisingly, their lectures presented cutting-edge world-class science and led to many interesting discussions.

The conference was very well-planned and offered ample opportunities for informal discussions and networking. I was also impressed by the large number of young scientists who participated in the meeting. Not only had they the opportunity to learn directly from the world best experts in their field but they had also a chance to present their own research to the critical audience.

A particular inspiration was the awe-inspiring breathtaking beauty of the mountains augmented by the famous Caucasian hospitality.

In summary, DOCC-2016 is easily the most memorable out of the >50 conferences that I have attended in the last 10 years. World class science, icy mountain tops and glaciers, white rivers, natural mineral springs, cultural exchanges – a rich and unforgettable experience!»

Игорь Алабугин, Таллахасси, 



Дорогие коллеги,
Большое спасибо за прекрасно организованную конференцию и теплый и радушный прием на Домбае. Конференция была действительно высшего мирового класса, как с точки зрения научного содержания и участников, так и по социально-культурной программе. Желаю вам и в дальнейшем держать эту высокую планку, и продолжать демонстрировать достойный уровень российской науки.

Евгений Нестеров,Батон Руж, 



«I am writing to express my deepest appreciation for the wonderful DOCC conference you helped organize under the formal leadership of Profs. Valentine Nenajdenko and Alexander Aksenov. It has to go on record, as I have told you and anyone who will listen, as one of the best conferences I have ever attended. I have organized dozens of conferences and symposia myself and attended hundreds of others. So, this is high praise indeed. What made the meeting so special was first and foremost the people. It was a small, but wonderful collection of top scientists from abroad, ex-pat Russians, and those like you who have made or are making their careers in Russia. The mix of languages, cultures, and science was spectacular. So, was the venue. Dombay, where the meeting was held, has to be one of the more spectacular locales in the world. It rivals the nicest spots I know in Switzerland and is made even more special by the fact that it is remote and hence not overrun with tourists. The logistics of getting to such a distant spot were handled well, although I could tell it wasn’t easy on you and other organizers. But, all went flawlessly, including the exciting and informative social aspects of the program. The latter, which included a remarkable open dance floor with folks from 16 to 80 out dancing together, really helped bring all participants together as a “chemical family”. All in all a wonderful conference and once in a lifetime event. You and others associated with the organization should feel justifiably proud!”

Jonathan Sessler, Texas, 



«Thank you very much for your wonderful hospitality during my stay at Dombay. DOCC-2016 was excellent symposium and many of lectures were of high quality. I appreciate very much your effort for organizing such a wonderful symposium in Russia. Hoping to seeing you again somewhere in the world in near future»

Yoshinori Yamamoto, Tohoku,


"I would like to thank you again for the invitation to visit Dombay and Moscow. The past 10 days were unforgittable, and I really had a good time in both places. I would like to visit this wonderful country whenever it is possible. It is also my hope that we will find some comment interest in research and then look for future collaboration. Thank you again"

Mei-Xiang Wang, Beijin,


"It was great to meet you again. Let me first to thank you for the invitation and congratulate you for the excellent organization of the conference"

Miguel Yus, Alicante,


"Благодарю за приглашение на конференцию в Домбае и отлично организованный симпозиум. Это была незабываемая и очень интересная неделя. Удачи Вам и всего самого наилучшего"

Inga Čikotienė


"My sincere congratulations for well organaized and high scientific level Conference in Dombay!
I thank you very much for the opportunity to partecipate to this excellent event and especially for your warm hospitality"

Orazio Antonio Attanasi


"I would like to thank you very much once again for your invitation to the Dombay Organic Conference Cluster and for your overwhelming hospitality! It has been an excellent conference, not only because of the great science which has been presented but also because of the great place you have selected and the beautiful environment.
Thank you again and hope to meet you again in the near future"

Hans-Joachim Knölker, Drezden,


"Thank you very much for your hospitality and the very wonderful meeting at Dombay! It was a very successful conference and I really enjoyed everything - science, culture, excursion, and friendship"

Wenjun Tang, Shanghai,


"On behalf of all of us, I would like to thank you all for your excellent support which made our visit possible (including the airport drop yesterday). We have greatly appreciated your teamwork"

Uday Maitra, Bangalore,


"Дорогие коллеги! Позвольте выразить признательность и благодарность за сказочную неделю, проведенную на DOCC-2016!"

Владимир Островский, Санкт-Петербург,


Many, many thanks for your kind hospitality. We have spent very nice days in Dombay also thanks the efficient, kind and always available organizing committee.

Domenico Spinelli


Дорогой Валентин, уважаемый Александр, уважаемые коллеги, и теперь очень дорогие друзья  (sadly, as I said to you personally, my Russian language ends with “tri tankisti” and google translation is undoubtedly also insufficient)

With your vice-chairmen Vatsadze, Babaev, Rubin, and Inna Aksenova, and your local organizers Pazov and Orazova, you carried out a Caesar – type event: veni, vidi, vici.  And you certainly conquered all who attended your superbly organized conference.  The attached photos will rest in memory, one of them (guess which ?:) will be copied and place on my bulletin board to view daily.

Now for the scientific highlights of your superb conference:
Speakers, no matter if keynote, invited, plenary, or otherwise, I do not distinguish:  excellence prevails (with one exception, some guy from Canada). 
The learning experience was immense, at least for me. I regret to miss Irina but I will ask her for her ppts.  I mention only severa, l and concentrate on Russian chemists since I lacked knowledge about them, whose work was, I believe of general interest to organic chemists or was somewhat relevant to our research interests:  Alabugin, Ananikov, Aksenov, Antonchick, Dilman, Ioffe, Kuznetsov, Nenajdenko, Ozipov, Sosnoviskikh, Tsogoeva, Glushkov, Shklyaeva. Ioffe I have corresponded with long ago and he kindly greeted me; Kuznetsov, we were together as visiting professors in Innsbruck, Austria, also long ago.   A short point, Valentine: your coworker Gorbachev has a familiar name J
Among the  Young Scientists, there was also significant chemistry reported, e.g. Latypova, Ibragimova, Usoltsev, Aksenov Dmitry and Griaznov.  Griaznov I will not easily forget since a) he helped with the projection of my slides and b) he became a cardinal (and won a DoM t-shirt.  Pretty good: DoM t-shirt at DoMbay conference) in my drinking game… which somehow you, Valentine and Alexander, and all of your committee members failed to see or to participate in after the banquet.. which ended at 2 am.  I will write to some separately.
Many excellent posters were presented.  The presenters were enthusiastic about their work and knew their chemistry well.  I will write to some separately.
You awakened in my mind the fact that Russian chemistry is modern chemistry; that you are attacking important targets where organic synthesis contributes well, that you are a tower of strength especially in heterocyclic chemistry.

And now for the social events:
As you know, dear Valentine and Alexander, and all committee members, I am Litva (well,  половина литвы, наполовину эстонец ) so that I was very much at home  in your surroundings, and feel this way in Russia in general except for the language. 
The food reminds me of home, my Mother: the salads are fresh without garbage American dressing, the sardines are heaven, the dumplings I cannot get enough of, the soups are not packaged quick powders, the fish is fresh… and the waiters and servers are honest, open, and friendly.
The drink?… no need for comment – triple   J
The excursions: very enjoyable as the photos which I will send separately will show – the smiling, relaxed faces.  Our trip to the top of the mountain, Valentine: always will remain in my memory because of the polite request by you that I reveal the bottle of vodka from my bag to share with others… which happened and, voila, there was no more vodka.
The banquet: joyful, friendly relations among chemists that knew each other well, slightly, or not at all but… by the end of the evening were part of our very large chemical family.  As I already noted above, there was a group of Russian chemists, maybe 8 or so, that attempted my game Cardinal Puff numerous times (it is common knowledge that the more you try, the more you fail J) but since I have a good   heart, they received iDoM t-shirts in any case
The social program is incomplete without noting the fire that occurred two buildings away from my hotel.  No fire alarms, no knowledge so that I slept through the event.. which I much needed. 
And so we parted, dear Valentine and Alexander, and dear committee members, with a feeling of excellent research news and friendship and knowledge that we are, as organic chemists, a close community, a family and that we shall meet again.

    Please, you are welcome to share my thoughts with others as you wish.Victor SnieckusVictor Snicks,

Victor Snieckus, Queen’s University, Kingston,



Прекрасная конференция! Шикарный Домбай. Огромное спасибо организаторам за DOCC-2016 

Михаил Баевский, Симферополь Крымский Федеральный университет им. В.И. Вернадского


Publication about DOCC-2016









Book of abstracts

Stavropol:NCFU -2016 -310p