III International Conferece
"New Directions in Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds"
Devoted to the 20 anniversary of the Stavropol School of organic chemistry
Pyatigorsk, 17-21 September 2013
Main Information
A Wide range of topics will be discussed, including fundamental aspects and new trends in the development of heterocyclic chemistry (novel synthetic methods and original conceptual approaches, physico-chemical properties and practical applications).
Conference Program Includes:
• Plenary Talks (45 min) • Oral Talks (15 min)
• Invited Oral Talks (30 min) • Poster Session
• Companies’ presentations
Conference working languages:
• Russian and English
The selection criteria of the program committee will favor contributions disclosing interesting results of resent investigations in the chemistry of different classes of heterocyclic compounds.
Publishing Support of the Conference is offered by:
Journals: "Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds" and "Russian Chemical Bulletin"
The Organizing Committee invites you to participate in the conference and asks that you inform us of your intention to present an oral talk before May 1, 2013. To do this, please forward your completed registration form to geterocycles@mail.ru or k-biochem-org@stavsu.ru (see Appen-dix) or register on-line under tab “Registration” (http://hetchem.ru). The registration time will be extended until May 31, 2013 for participants applying for poster presentations as well as for correspondence attendees.